Friday, January 20, 2012

Creating Things

I'm slightly shaking at the moment. Took another step today towards creating my professional persona. I've already got my blog (thanks to all who read it).

I signed up for a website. It's free for a year and easy to use. I hope. I am at a public facility and therefore cannot continue the sign on process until I get to my own computer. But I do have the domain name. Whoo hoo! Next on the list is business cards. I think I'll be using Vistaprint.

It's interesting to take steps towards my professional life when, some days, I am not even sure I am a professional. These are the growing pains of becoming, I guess.

I have been telling folks I'm a writer for about the last two years. Maybe more. But definitely the last two years. I've believed it all along... until this. This reaching out into the Ethernet as Sharron Walsh. Feels odd. Feels scary. Feels exciting.

Good grief. I discovered many years ago that I am a closet adventurer. If I find someone who is ready for an adventure, that will push me over the edge and I'll do it. Couple examples: helicopters, kissing odd objects, trapeze, and a few others.

I went with friends to NZ a few years ago. Some of the sights we wanted to see were accessible only by helicopter. I'd never ever flown in a helicopter and my heart was in my throat. My friends were afraid yet game. So off we went and I now am hooked on helicopters. I've flown about ten times since. It is an awesome experience. If you get the chance, do it.

My eighty year old aunt went with my daughter and I to Ireland. My aunt insisted we climb up to the Blarney Stone and kiss the thing. The sight is not for the faint-hearted. We climbed stairs as old as Methuselah. When we got to the top, the floors were disintegrated. You could see all the way to the ground floor. We walked on the outer edge to get to 'the' stone. Once there. we had to lay on the walkway and lean backwards and kiss a stone about six inches from where you're laying. Some thin, lanky Irishman holds you. The one who was there that day looked like he would be blown away in a gentle windstorm! We did it. I shudder even now at the remembrance.

In Florida, we went to the Ringling Brothers circus. If you had the guts, you could 'try out' different jobs. I decided to try out the trapeze act. You get attached to a wire and then shown a few things and then -- out you go. Wow!It was incredible. I'd do it again.

So -- getting my own domain name seems so tame. It's not. It's a step forward in this journey I'm taking.

Life is a journey.


  1. Go you!! I'm waiting for my cards from Vistaprint. LOL! Taking that step into owning a domain name is huge! So is creating a website. You've had some great adventures! With more to come. :-)

  2. Yup! Moving is the next adventure.

    I'm glad you agree about the domain thing. I was really surprised by how much of a 'stepping out' it felt like. Remember Baggins?!?
