I started work on the final draft - LOL - for giraffes.
So today - to continue to be positive - I went to one of those 'paint a small ceramic for a fortune' places.
I picked a sweet young giraffe mold. I painted it. Now, I'm not a great painter, but I think the Muse was with me. Found great colors. I had the draft of my giraffe business cards that I used as a model for the coloring. I painted her.
One week, then I can pick her up. So that gives me a great deadline for finishing the edits that my coach suggested. Another deadline that will be fun to meet. I hope.
I decided that I will use these little giraffe statuettes for my upcoming goals.
First giraffe - finishing the edits and sending out the MS.
Second giraffe - when the contract is signed.
Third giraffe - when the book is published (the actual date it sits on store shelves).
Hopefully, this 'attitude' will convince the gods to 'make it all happen.'
Whether they will or not, I intend to keep positive about this process.
You're having fun. I think that's what counts the most. :-)