Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Small Accomplishments

But accomplishments nevertheless.

I worked on 'Blue' today. I sent off Ch. 32-34 to my editor last night. I spent time editing Ch. 35 and 36. Thirty-six is not done. So I have caught up. Which, to me, isn't a good thing. I usually try to keep at least four or five chapters ahead of what I'm sending off or having critiqued. I have come to terms with this. I know I'll get the next chapters done.

I had a great time reading these ones. The main character has changed (but well within the parameters that a publisher could accept). I like this character. He's easy to write. He's bold and courageous and thinks he knows everything. A small flaw. *g*

I also discovered the publishing house I was going to send the giraffe tale to will have a representative at the conference that I just signed up for (see yesterday's post).  That means I will wait to send it out to them 'til immediately after the conference. The usual thing about conferences is that folks at publishing houses will look at MSs from attendees. A perk of attending a conference.

That means I'm going to spend the week-end looking for other publishing houses to send giraffes off to. I found my cover letters and changed some things on them. Now they are ready to send out. Just got to find names so the cover letters are personal. Something EVERYONE says I must do -- make them personal.

Life is personal.


  1. Interesting thing I learned at my last conference, which you may already know: Publishers and agents agree to see see manuscripts from all those who pitch to them because they know that 97% will never send anything at all. GO YOU!!

  2. That is a great thing to learn, Judy. I always thought they were inundated after a conference. Gives me hope that my stuff will be seen if I'm in the 3% that sends stuff. Thank you for the info. We never stop learning, do we?
