Sunday, October 9, 2011


Held my first reading. Honestly! It was with friends, in my own living room, and we did have glasses of wine. But I pulled out 'Sorrysorrysorry' and read it to them. Response was lovely. My gosh - I never thought of doing such a thing, but the Muse, I think, suggested it, and I agreed. One, an editor, said it will probably be my first published work. Needless to say, I felt grand.

An artist friend of mine was in attendance, too. She loved the imagery that the poem/story evoked. She said she could see the Savannah and the characters. It was quite thrilling.

We talked about the process - the Muse and how she goes about doing things with us, her wee servants. This woman is published with a book of sketchings. She showed me photos on her cell phone of the works she's been doing lately. I was astounded that she would do a 'draft' - move it aside - do another - and another - and another. I mistakenly thought that artists just put the oils on the canvas and went from there - adding as they went along. Not true - according to her. 

I had an awesome time chatting with these dear friends and their support was touching and appreciated. 

Life is good.

PS - the artist envies me 'cut and paste.'


  1. How cool to be able to learn about another artist's process. What a wonderful event! I never would have thought of doing something like that.

  2. What a fun thing to do, and what a great way to get encouraged. Awesome friends are definitely a God-send.

  3. You are definitely right about friends! You are an awesome one. Thanks for being you and for always supporting me!

  4. Ah Judy - I remembered seeing a movie about an author and how she was invited to her book store to read a passage. I thought, why can't I do that? It worked, too. Thank God. Better than I thought. And being in my own home it made it non-threatening.
