Friday, February 8, 2013


I've been mulling over a link I put on this site a few days ago. I've got some issues with it. More of that in a moment.

Mulling - I like a good word. It rolls on my tongue and sometimes causes me to giggle. Mulling is such a word. I also like the word ample. That's a nice word, isn't it? Not one you see or hear too often but you know what it means right away.

A great vocabulary is a great asset to a writer. I like to find 'word-of-the-day' websites to expand mine. A few are useless. They have archaic words, ancient words that I'll never be able to use in a story, never mind in daily speech. So I did a little research and found I like this one. The nice part of it is - even though it's a daily word site - it shows you its archive for the week. So I need only look once a week and get a plethora (lots) of useful words.  Hope this is a good resource for you, too.  Oh! And the word for Feb. 7th was ruminate. Almost as good as mulling. *g*

 I like this site because it gives me the word of the day AND a bonus -- a little English quiz. It's delightful.

Now - to get into the Writers' Digest mulling event. The article was about critique groups. (see link below) The author noted ones that I've noted after being a member of way too many groups for way too many years. But I've got a bone to pick about her thoughts. 

The author of the article speaks of:
The snob. She's right about this one. RUN from a group that makes you feel you must prove your worth.

The Time Hog. This person can just be full of unbridled enthusiasm, or self-doubt, or a number of peculiarities that cause her to need time.

The Retro. Gentle hints about 'new' books can help grow this person. 

The Distractor. 

The Harsh Critic/The NiceyPiecey. Ok. I started out as the Nicey Piecey in the groups I belonged to. I am that way with any book. Well, most any book. I pick it up. I read it. I consume it. I love writing. Period. I learned, with the help of my group, how to read constructively (I always read an MS twice now cause I want to read for the fun of it - after that, I'll read for critiquing.) 

The Debater. It's really hard for me to bite my tongue. Most critique groups, I've noted, have a rule that states you can't comment until after your critique is done. It's a good rule.

The Picker. Focus on what really matters.

The Sulker. I didn't sulk when I joined my first group. I went home and cried. But I kept going back and the kindness of my group helped me learn to accept lots.

The Boss. We've got a boss and he is excellent. His critiques are treasured. He's also awesome with time-keeping and affirmation. He's gentle and he's taught the rest of us to be gentle.

The Sporadic. We don't catch up anybody. You snooze, you looze. Thankfully, there are enough folk in the group who are dedicated that it doesn't matter. Most of the sporadic don't come back.

All of these behaviors can be honed into positives for a group with kindness and a good leader and good example. If I can learn, so can others. 

Well - that's enough of my ruminations (another lovely word). Hope you've enjoyed.

Life is full.

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