I've discovered I was too generous with my goal-setting timelines - both for 'Blue' and 'Other.' I'm finishing earlier than I had thought. I'm going to have to give myself shorter time to write and edit. With Blue, I'm almost a month ahead of my timeline and with 'Other' I'm about a week ahead. That's pretty good news for me, considering I've felt like I've been dawdling. I guess I haven't. *g*
Wrote the back story for the wizards today - both the Wizards of Northrond (the bad guys) and the Wizards of Galen (the good guys). It was great fun. I hadn't even given their back story a thought (well, nothing beyond the last couple decades), but I looked back a hundred years and found the seeds for the schism that sundered the world about seventy years later. I feel so good about this. My friend Margaret commented yesterday about the back story and how, even if it's not used, it's important to have entrenched in the writer's mind. Boy - she was right. Knowing what caused the split between the two factions solidified my story, gave me a depth that I can now write from.
I also did a bit of research on Navy terms and discovered I should be using 'Mister' when the characters address each other. Also, I had to do away with aye, aye, sir - which I thought was the appropriate response. I discovered it's Aye, Sir. Phew! Glad I got these little 'errors' corrected. The general public might not know the difference (then again, they might), but if a sailor is reading my book (fingers crossed), I certainly don't want them throwing it against the wall in frustration. "How could she write that?" I'm considering finding a US sailor and asking him/her to read it, once I'm done. I do want authenticity.
Writing is fun. Infuriating, but fun.
Life is fun.
PS - Finished editing Ch. 7 & 8 of 'Blue.' Whoo hoo!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Back Story
I used to think I was pretty smart. Very quick to solve things. I'd watch a movie and know who the killer was seconds before the 'jig was up.'
I felt that way about my writing, too. I knew what I was doing.
I was watching 'Castle' tonight. It's a favorite. I like mysteries and this is a good one. I've watched reruns for the last year. Tonight, I am ashamed to say, I discovered a flaw in my own self-appraisal. The back story. After a few episodes of 'Castle,' we learn the heroine's mom was a murder victim and this is what led the heroine to become a cop. Now honestly, I've known this for quite some time, but watching tonight, it dawned upon me that the writer of the series 'knew' before it even started filming, what the driving force was behind the heroine. Her back story. I hit myself on the forehead like the V-8 commercials. I should have known!
One of my most favoritest sci-fi series is 'Babylon 5.' http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
It's not on anymore, not even reruns, but it was an awesome series that ran for five years. The creator, J. Michael Strazinski, planned for it to have a five-year run and it did. BUT - the thing that always astounded me, this was before I ever started thinking about writing, was that he planned everything before he ever started filming. The back story was in place, ready to go. I'm pretty sure he planned every back story for every character. It blew me away at the time. Now - I'm astounded even further. What a huge enterprise that was.
One of the reasons why I have never written a mystery is because I was daunted by the 'need' to be able to fool my readers into 'not' knowing who the killer was at the end, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs until they discovered it, about the same time I'd show it.
But it's not just mysteries that need to be written that way - with breadcrumbs strewn throughout the story. It's every story that needs this approach.
I've been writing about character development here for quite some time. I didn't consider it as back story. But that's what it truly is. If I'm going to have an ending, I've got to have a back story - for the whole series (I'm hoping their will be three books) - and also for each character. It's imperative. It's insane not to do it.
I don't know what I've been thinking all this time. Character development isn't enough. Though I've felt their stories in the back of my mind, I've got to get it right. For the books and for the characters. For myself and for my readers.
I feel a paradigm shift in my universe.
Life is eye-opening.
PS - the back story doesn't have to be shown. I've just got to know it!
I felt that way about my writing, too. I knew what I was doing.
I was watching 'Castle' tonight. It's a favorite. I like mysteries and this is a good one. I've watched reruns for the last year. Tonight, I am ashamed to say, I discovered a flaw in my own self-appraisal. The back story. After a few episodes of 'Castle,' we learn the heroine's mom was a murder victim and this is what led the heroine to become a cop. Now honestly, I've known this for quite some time, but watching tonight, it dawned upon me that the writer of the series 'knew' before it even started filming, what the driving force was behind the heroine. Her back story. I hit myself on the forehead like the V-8 commercials. I should have known!
One of my most favoritest sci-fi series is 'Babylon 5.' http://babylon5.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
It's not on anymore, not even reruns, but it was an awesome series that ran for five years. The creator, J. Michael Strazinski, planned for it to have a five-year run and it did. BUT - the thing that always astounded me, this was before I ever started thinking about writing, was that he planned everything before he ever started filming. The back story was in place, ready to go. I'm pretty sure he planned every back story for every character. It blew me away at the time. Now - I'm astounded even further. What a huge enterprise that was.
One of the reasons why I have never written a mystery is because I was daunted by the 'need' to be able to fool my readers into 'not' knowing who the killer was at the end, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs until they discovered it, about the same time I'd show it.
But it's not just mysteries that need to be written that way - with breadcrumbs strewn throughout the story. It's every story that needs this approach.
I've been writing about character development here for quite some time. I didn't consider it as back story. But that's what it truly is. If I'm going to have an ending, I've got to have a back story - for the whole series (I'm hoping their will be three books) - and also for each character. It's imperative. It's insane not to do it.
I don't know what I've been thinking all this time. Character development isn't enough. Though I've felt their stories in the back of my mind, I've got to get it right. For the books and for the characters. For myself and for my readers.
I feel a paradigm shift in my universe.
Life is eye-opening.
PS - the back story doesn't have to be shown. I've just got to know it!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Not sure why. I've been fighting a sore back. Went too far swimming and feeling it now. That shouldn't be keeping me from writing though.
I went to a dream workshop. It was interesting. We were told to look at our neighbor and figure out what kind of an animal they were. Then, what kind of a landscape they looked like. Then, what kind of flower they looked like.
We writers in the group had a definite advantage. We're used to imagining things. I found it an interesting experiment. I took the idea back and looked at my characters like that. It gave me further insight into them.
Some writers I know have been having a discussion about how far an author should delve into their characters. Some even suggested we do an intelligence test on them, like the Wechsler, and personality tests. I do have to smile, for I know I have the tendency to look at my characters as 'real.'
I've done a numerology study of my characters, but I think that's about far enough. Their backstory, I think, is more important. Perhaps a family tree. Definitely who their family is and where they are in it - oldest child, etc. Happenings that formed them, like displaying courage at a young age, running scared from a dog, things like that.
I'm still working on these folk. It's important to know them.
I have to apologize to myself for not hitting one of my goals. I missed doing Chapter Ten in 'The Other Side.' Drat it all. I've got it complete now, well, not quite complete, but it's done. It will require tweaking. But I always tweak. It drives me slightly mad. I'm back on schedule. Almost.
I sent off Chapters six through eight to my writers' group. Looking forward to the feedback. Glad I am weathered enough to be able to be glad.
Life is schedules.
I went to a dream workshop. It was interesting. We were told to look at our neighbor and figure out what kind of an animal they were. Then, what kind of a landscape they looked like. Then, what kind of flower they looked like.
We writers in the group had a definite advantage. We're used to imagining things. I found it an interesting experiment. I took the idea back and looked at my characters like that. It gave me further insight into them.
Some writers I know have been having a discussion about how far an author should delve into their characters. Some even suggested we do an intelligence test on them, like the Wechsler, and personality tests. I do have to smile, for I know I have the tendency to look at my characters as 'real.'
I've done a numerology study of my characters, but I think that's about far enough. Their backstory, I think, is more important. Perhaps a family tree. Definitely who their family is and where they are in it - oldest child, etc. Happenings that formed them, like displaying courage at a young age, running scared from a dog, things like that.
I'm still working on these folk. It's important to know them.
I have to apologize to myself for not hitting one of my goals. I missed doing Chapter Ten in 'The Other Side.' Drat it all. I've got it complete now, well, not quite complete, but it's done. It will require tweaking. But I always tweak. It drives me slightly mad. I'm back on schedule. Almost.
I sent off Chapters six through eight to my writers' group. Looking forward to the feedback. Glad I am weathered enough to be able to be glad.
Life is schedules.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
My editor told me that I should spend some time showing the duplicity of my characters.
I sat and scratched my head. To me, the word duplicity means misleading others through lies or trickery. Deceitfulness in speech is another little meaning for this nice sounding word.
My hero/heroine does not do that. She's kind of naive and a bit pure. I can't see her misleading others. HOWEVER - she is hiding lots of things. Hmmmm. Well, I guess I'm ok with that. Though it's not done in a mean or hurtful way. It's for survival's sake. If she tells who she is, the wizards will find her and kill her.
As for the other characters?, Yup.I suppose we all have something that we're hiding.. My little scapegoat, who gets killed quite early in the story, is a pure little soul. He loves music and poetry. Though he's strong physically and knows what he must be about, he still has that tender side to him. No trickery or lies here.
But - the antagonist certainly is full of duplicity. Nasty little woman. We hates her, we does, Precious!
Another definition is having two parts or being part of a double. I like this definition better. My hero/heroine definitely has two parts. It's what carries the story forward.
I'm working on character development in my notes and trying to make sure I am showing the duplicity of all of the characters. Not that duplicity is evil, though it can be, but that it is part of the human condition. I'm afraid we all hide things, things we think make us look bad, or make us appear weak. Ah! That'll be good for another protagonist, a lesser one.
So - still in the midst of character development (on a separate document). I know I don't know enough about these folk. I want to know more about them. Not only for my readers' sake but for mine.
Back to the old drawing board, my friends.
Life is work.
I sat and scratched my head. To me, the word duplicity means misleading others through lies or trickery. Deceitfulness in speech is another little meaning for this nice sounding word.
My hero/heroine does not do that. She's kind of naive and a bit pure. I can't see her misleading others. HOWEVER - she is hiding lots of things. Hmmmm. Well, I guess I'm ok with that. Though it's not done in a mean or hurtful way. It's for survival's sake. If she tells who she is, the wizards will find her and kill her.
As for the other characters?, Yup.I suppose we all have something that we're hiding.. My little scapegoat, who gets killed quite early in the story, is a pure little soul. He loves music and poetry. Though he's strong physically and knows what he must be about, he still has that tender side to him. No trickery or lies here.
But - the antagonist certainly is full of duplicity. Nasty little woman. We hates her, we does, Precious!
Another definition is having two parts or being part of a double. I like this definition better. My hero/heroine definitely has two parts. It's what carries the story forward.
I'm working on character development in my notes and trying to make sure I am showing the duplicity of all of the characters. Not that duplicity is evil, though it can be, but that it is part of the human condition. I'm afraid we all hide things, things we think make us look bad, or make us appear weak. Ah! That'll be good for another protagonist, a lesser one.
So - still in the midst of character development (on a separate document). I know I don't know enough about these folk. I want to know more about them. Not only for my readers' sake but for mine.
Back to the old drawing board, my friends.
Life is work.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A buddy and I were talking today. We both know we are putting roadblocks in our way. WE are. Not somebody else. These roadblocks are at least as big as the one in the picture above. Perhaps even bigger. *g*
I did a Goggle search for roadblocks/writing and found that the articles are all about writer's block.
We both don't think that's our problem. My friend is not a writer, per se, she's a quilter. So it's not writing that's a problem but accomplishing a major task. Finishing a quilt. Mine is finishing/editing my books.
So I searched roadblock/success. EUREKA! This is the problem and this is the answer. Here's one of the better links.
Considerations that block the completion of a project. 1) will take a lot of work; 2) require lots of money (not really - time in this instance); 3) no one's done this before. Yup - each quilt is different; each book is different.
Fears: 1) the project will fail; 2) no one will support me; 3) I will be mocked.
Obstacles. The author's obstacles don't match mine - nor to they match my friends - BUT - I can figure out my own obstacles and overcome them. I know I can. I do love this line: Obstacles are necessary, and the process of growing bigger than your obstacles prepare you for success
Another site suggests that Money, Time, and Fear are the roadblocks to success. Kind of like above, but not quite as eloquent.
All right - perhaps roadblock and writer's block are the same, or distant cousins. Whatever. The path laid out with the three roadblocks makes a lot more sense to me than what I read about writer's blocks. I'm pretty sure I can use it.
Webster's dictionary: Roadblock: something that blocks progress or prevents accomplishment of an objective.
Webster's dictionary: Writer's block: a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece.
Life is Eureka.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
A Wee Bit Morose Today
It's probably the cabin fever. Been inside, due to inclement weather, for two days now. I've been writing, but not having fun with it. So - I went to one of my favorite blogs and just sucked in the fun.
I really should be happy. I'm practicing my piano every day and find that I'm remembering fingering and such, much more so than I had thought I would. I can play 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider' with two hands! Yup! I once was playing Beethoven. Not looking back. Never look back!
As for 'Other' - I think it's getting into some part where I must jump into the unknown and be a bit adventurous and not afraid of the consequences of what the story wants to say. I'm not used to writing dark stuff. Once in awhile, if I kill a character off, I'm down for a time, but this is different. This is going to places I've never gone before.
I have to laugh for the experts say I should be writing what I know and here I am, with the Muse pushing me off planet and into space. Yet, it is the emotions and the reality for the characters that are the important things and that always means delving into me.
I tried to find some good sites with passionate thoughts, but decided fun was better. Click onto the link if you want a little advise on having fun or if you like 'The Blue Danube Waltz.'
Life is interesting.
I really should be happy. I'm practicing my piano every day and find that I'm remembering fingering and such, much more so than I had thought I would. I can play 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider' with two hands! Yup! I once was playing Beethoven. Not looking back. Never look back!
As for 'Other' - I think it's getting into some part where I must jump into the unknown and be a bit adventurous and not afraid of the consequences of what the story wants to say. I'm not used to writing dark stuff. Once in awhile, if I kill a character off, I'm down for a time, but this is different. This is going to places I've never gone before.
I have to laugh for the experts say I should be writing what I know and here I am, with the Muse pushing me off planet and into space. Yet, it is the emotions and the reality for the characters that are the important things and that always means delving into me.
I tried to find some good sites with passionate thoughts, but decided fun was better. Click onto the link if you want a little advise on having fun or if you like 'The Blue Danube Waltz.'
Life is interesting.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
A Good Start
Drat it all! It really was a good start on Chapter 10. It worked. It moved the story on.
BUT - isn't there always a but? I realized it was needed in Ch. 9. So I moved it. Thank goodness for cut and paste. It made Ch. 9 so much fuller, deeper, better. But - and there it is again - it was frustrating not having Ch. 10 started. Such is life. I will go on.
In this book, I'm writing from two different points of view. I've not done that before. I've written stories with multiple POVs - even up to five and 'Blue' is from one POV, but this one calls for two. I find it challenging and very interesting. My editor told me to use chapter titles to keep my readers aware of 'who' is the speaker for each chapter. It makes sense, though it feels odd to me. I make it a point to have the speakers name in the first sentence or two of each chapter, thinking this would work, but she's right, as always. The more I can do to keep my reader from wandering about wondering the better for keeping them riveted and IN the story.
I've got to get back to editing the next chapter of 'Blue.' I know what's keeping me back. I have way too much enthusiasm for the story and chomp at the bit, so to speak, of editing. I'm afraid I'll miss things I should be writing and adding and taking away and such. Editing is so incredibly important and the changes my editor suggested are wonderful and necessary. Yet, I feel myself hiding under the covers when it comes to 'Blue.'
One of the good things about editing is that I am learning more and more of the craft of writing and thus, 'The Other Side' benefits. It will be easier to edit.
I wonder if folks who have published find it easier to write the next book and the next and the next. Not because they have the security of being published, but have the working knowledge of the hows and whys of writing.
Winter has returned full throttle and I find myself 'cabin-bound' this day. This is a good thing, for I am taking a break and reading some friends books and such. It is good to go to 'other' worlds and relish others' words and characters.
I'll return to Ch. 10 of 'Other' tonight for I have a deadline to meet. *g*
Life is beautiful.
BUT - isn't there always a but? I realized it was needed in Ch. 9. So I moved it. Thank goodness for cut and paste. It made Ch. 9 so much fuller, deeper, better. But - and there it is again - it was frustrating not having Ch. 10 started. Such is life. I will go on.
In this book, I'm writing from two different points of view. I've not done that before. I've written stories with multiple POVs - even up to five and 'Blue' is from one POV, but this one calls for two. I find it challenging and very interesting. My editor told me to use chapter titles to keep my readers aware of 'who' is the speaker for each chapter. It makes sense, though it feels odd to me. I make it a point to have the speakers name in the first sentence or two of each chapter, thinking this would work, but she's right, as always. The more I can do to keep my reader from wandering about wondering the better for keeping them riveted and IN the story.
I've got to get back to editing the next chapter of 'Blue.' I know what's keeping me back. I have way too much enthusiasm for the story and chomp at the bit, so to speak, of editing. I'm afraid I'll miss things I should be writing and adding and taking away and such. Editing is so incredibly important and the changes my editor suggested are wonderful and necessary. Yet, I feel myself hiding under the covers when it comes to 'Blue.'
One of the good things about editing is that I am learning more and more of the craft of writing and thus, 'The Other Side' benefits. It will be easier to edit.
I wonder if folks who have published find it easier to write the next book and the next and the next. Not because they have the security of being published, but have the working knowledge of the hows and whys of writing.
Winter has returned full throttle and I find myself 'cabin-bound' this day. This is a good thing, for I am taking a break and reading some friends books and such. It is good to go to 'other' worlds and relish others' words and characters.
I'll return to Ch. 10 of 'Other' tonight for I have a deadline to meet. *g*
Life is beautiful.
Friday, February 15, 2013
I find writing to be an extremely bizarre thing. I don't know what else to call it. It's not a career. It's not a hobby. It's a passion. A nameless thing that sucks the energy from me. And sways my soul.
I was editing Ch. 9 of 'The Other Side' tonight and found myself in tears. A difficult and moving scene, at least for me, between two different species who find they have touched each other, not physically but spiritually. I'm always astounded when such strong emotions surface during the writing process. I guess I'm used to the euphoria when a book is done or a chapter comes together. But deep, gut-wrenching feelings that sometimes surface always surprise me.
I'm not saying I don't like it. I'm Irish after all. We Irish love angst. *g* But I'm saying it's surprising. I should be happy. I guess it means I'm a good writer. I remember reading books and being transported into the places and times and falling in love with some characters and hating others. That I can do it with my own words still surprises. And terrorizes. 'The Other Side' is going to be a soul-stirrer, I can see that now.
I hope that's a good thing.
Does this ever happen to you? I can't be alone in this, can I?
Life is disturbing.
I was editing Ch. 9 of 'The Other Side' tonight and found myself in tears. A difficult and moving scene, at least for me, between two different species who find they have touched each other, not physically but spiritually. I'm always astounded when such strong emotions surface during the writing process. I guess I'm used to the euphoria when a book is done or a chapter comes together. But deep, gut-wrenching feelings that sometimes surface always surprise me.
I'm not saying I don't like it. I'm Irish after all. We Irish love angst. *g* But I'm saying it's surprising. I should be happy. I guess it means I'm a good writer. I remember reading books and being transported into the places and times and falling in love with some characters and hating others. That I can do it with my own words still surprises. And terrorizes. 'The Other Side' is going to be a soul-stirrer, I can see that now.
I hope that's a good thing.
Does this ever happen to you? I can't be alone in this, can I?
Life is disturbing.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
I had to put some 'good' vibes into the Ethernet after yesterday's insanity. I missed my writing group meeting. Too many phones calls - all important friends. I thought I'd go in late, but then my sick buddy called. She'd been released from the hospital Tuesday. She just had a heart stress test and wanted to unwind. I had to meet with her. Honestly. What are friends for.
So - I did get to my writing class - a tad bit late, but better late than never. The teacher gave me back the MS I'd sent her of Chapters 1-3 of 'The Other Side' with hardly a change. She said she loved it. Whoo hooo! Caught up in it though it is definitely not her genre. Two of the other students who'd read it said it gave them nightmares. Whoo hoo Stephen King. Move over!!!
Blasted thing gave me nightmares, too. As I've said before - this is a dark adult sci-fi. Not sure where it's going, but I plan on it having a happy ending. My very first book did not. I killed off the main character. My editor had apoplexy!
Enough of that. I had to post this link to a really uplifting blog. Lots of great 'happy' quotes. The best one was about drinking a cup of tea out of a really posh cup. Probably with the pinkie finger lifted. *g*
Here's another neat 'happy' page.
Life is happiness.
So - I did get to my writing class - a tad bit late, but better late than never. The teacher gave me back the MS I'd sent her of Chapters 1-3 of 'The Other Side' with hardly a change. She said she loved it. Whoo hooo! Caught up in it though it is definitely not her genre. Two of the other students who'd read it said it gave them nightmares. Whoo hoo Stephen King. Move over!!!
Blasted thing gave me nightmares, too. As I've said before - this is a dark adult sci-fi. Not sure where it's going, but I plan on it having a happy ending. My very first book did not. I killed off the main character. My editor had apoplexy!
Enough of that. I had to post this link to a really uplifting blog. Lots of great 'happy' quotes. The best one was about drinking a cup of tea out of a really posh cup. Probably with the pinkie finger lifted. *g*
Here's another neat 'happy' page.
Life is happiness.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Life is insane. I've had a huge change in lifestyle and I'm still trying to get used to it. My little one is in school now and she loves aftercare, so I'm not taking care of her anymore. I only see her on Thursdays and Fridays. I'm a bit sad. In fact, a lot sad. But I'll figure out how to survive.
Spent all of yesterday morning at a friend's bedside. She'd been admitted for BP issues. Docs still don't know what's wrong. I'm praying a lot. I couldn't leave her, though she slept most of the time that I was there. I was going to bring up my portfolio and work on it, but I thought that was a bit gouache. So I just sat and prayed as she slept. She was released today and scheduled for more tests.
Went to a Mardi Gras celebration today and had a great time with new and old friends. Ate Jambalaya for the first time ever. It was ok. *g* More important was the laughter.
My new town has a lazy river at its indoor swimming pool. An RN friend of mine suggested I try using Vaseline to cover the legs and see if that would prevent the chemical burns I get in a 'regular' pool. It did! Whoo hoo! Walked the lazy river for an hour. I am exhausted, but happy.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The little one will be at services and I'll be there so she knows, as always, that I'm 100% behind her. Her school is pretty awesome in that they require the kids (FIRST graders!) to write a book report every week. My little one has been illustrating hers, too. I went through her Report Book and used my cell to take pictures. Sometime this week, I've got to get them up on her blog. She is more and more enjoying reading. Thank goodness!!!
Tomorrow is also one of my writers' groups. It's a large one. I haven't done my homework for it, yet, but I'm hoping to do it at breakfast.
Also tomorrow, I go to my writing class. I've sent the first three chapters of 'The Other Side' to the teacher. She sent a quick email stating that she is hooked. *g* I read one of the other student's MS, but I've got another (rather long one) to read. Will try to do that at breakfast, too. It will be a long breakfast. *g*
Then, I'll come home and collapse.
BTW - I've spent the last two days working on it.Ch. 9 of 'Other.' I had finished it, but there were a few things that kept bothering me, so It's good now. It's where I want it. There's is a lot of research for this book. Mostly because it is populated with characters who are or were in the Navy. After reading a lot of the Sharpe books and Horatio Hornblower and such, I've become confused as to what is acceptable behavior in the US Navy compared to the British Navy. I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Life is research. *g*
Spent all of yesterday morning at a friend's bedside. She'd been admitted for BP issues. Docs still don't know what's wrong. I'm praying a lot. I couldn't leave her, though she slept most of the time that I was there. I was going to bring up my portfolio and work on it, but I thought that was a bit gouache. So I just sat and prayed as she slept. She was released today and scheduled for more tests.
Went to a Mardi Gras celebration today and had a great time with new and old friends. Ate Jambalaya for the first time ever. It was ok. *g* More important was the laughter.
My new town has a lazy river at its indoor swimming pool. An RN friend of mine suggested I try using Vaseline to cover the legs and see if that would prevent the chemical burns I get in a 'regular' pool. It did! Whoo hoo! Walked the lazy river for an hour. I am exhausted, but happy.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The little one will be at services and I'll be there so she knows, as always, that I'm 100% behind her. Her school is pretty awesome in that they require the kids (FIRST graders!) to write a book report every week. My little one has been illustrating hers, too. I went through her Report Book and used my cell to take pictures. Sometime this week, I've got to get them up on her blog. She is more and more enjoying reading. Thank goodness!!!
Tomorrow is also one of my writers' groups. It's a large one. I haven't done my homework for it, yet, but I'm hoping to do it at breakfast.
Also tomorrow, I go to my writing class. I've sent the first three chapters of 'The Other Side' to the teacher. She sent a quick email stating that she is hooked. *g* I read one of the other student's MS, but I've got another (rather long one) to read. Will try to do that at breakfast, too. It will be a long breakfast. *g*
Then, I'll come home and collapse.
BTW - I've spent the last two days working on it.Ch. 9 of 'Other.' I had finished it, but there were a few things that kept bothering me, so It's good now. It's where I want it. There's is a lot of research for this book. Mostly because it is populated with characters who are or were in the Navy. After reading a lot of the Sharpe books and Horatio Hornblower and such, I've become confused as to what is acceptable behavior in the US Navy compared to the British Navy. I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Life is research. *g*
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Tempest
After yesterday's post, I wondered what I could do with Kathleen to bring her out and show that her needs and wants and goals are pretty much universal. To that end, I delved deeper into her psyche. I know kids struggle with who they are and what they want in life. I had to show it even more than I already had. I had to be fearless in this, much as Hamlet is ripped open for us to see in Shakespeare's play. I like what came out of yesterday's delving. Also, had a great time making her aunt (who does kill her mom and dad) become a fuller character - not just a caricature. Like Hamlet's uncle (who kills his dad), there is more to the villain than meets the eye. It's a fairly easy thing to make a villain villainous --it takes endurance to make a villain evil. Bwwaahhhhaaahaaa....
Today, I'm in the midst of the Tempest. Outside and inside. Watching another PBS special while the wind whips outside. I've always liked The Tempest because of the magical element and the wizard. Yup, I think of Prospero as a wizard. The architect of my condo must have loved magic and such, for the lay of the buildings is such that, no matter how minuscule the wind, it becomes a howling torrent outside my door. I sit, sometimes, and wonder if the window will break. Today is a good day for the winds are gusting around 50mph. Sounds more like 100mph. I swear there's a tempest outside.
Watching the BAFTAs tonight, I am awed by the fact that everyone gets rejected. Even those we consider unapproachable, impossibly talented, and totally successful.
I must continuously remind myself that 'Blue' will sell one day and be read by that boy or girl who really needs it. And that 'The Other Side' will be made into a movie and I'll watch the Oscars and smile as 'my' movie wins.
Life is hope.
Watching the BAFTAs tonight, I am awed by the fact that everyone gets rejected. Even those we consider unapproachable, impossibly talented, and totally successful.
I must continuously remind myself that 'Blue' will sell one day and be read by that boy or girl who really needs it. And that 'The Other Side' will be made into a movie and I'll watch the Oscars and smile as 'my' movie wins.
Life is hope.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
To Be Or Not To Be
My goodness, I have never stated that I am writing the great American novel, but I am trying to write the very best I can. For my sake and for my readers.
I've been watching PBS' Shakespeare series these last few weeks. My dad brought us up to love Shakespeare. Our city had a great festival every year dedicated to the bard, and though times were always tough, we went to at least one play per season.
In the evenings, my dad found copies of the plays and we would pass the book around and read the plays. Each of us had a part. Sadly, I don't recall who I was so many times, but I'll never forget the experience.
I was watching Hamlet tonight and realized my heroine can be even better. I don't think of 'Blue' as being based on a fairy tale. I'd much rather delve a little deeper and have her more like Hamlet - yet - I can't let her die like he did.
As a writer, I've found I must keep my eyes and ears open and watch and watch and consume everything I see and learn so that my writing will have a depth to it.
Life is a challenge.
I've been watching PBS' Shakespeare series these last few weeks. My dad brought us up to love Shakespeare. Our city had a great festival every year dedicated to the bard, and though times were always tough, we went to at least one play per season.
In the evenings, my dad found copies of the plays and we would pass the book around and read the plays. Each of us had a part. Sadly, I don't recall who I was so many times, but I'll never forget the experience.
I was watching Hamlet tonight and realized my heroine can be even better. I don't think of 'Blue' as being based on a fairy tale. I'd much rather delve a little deeper and have her more like Hamlet - yet - I can't let her die like he did.
As a writer, I've found I must keep my eyes and ears open and watch and watch and consume everything I see and learn so that my writing will have a depth to it.
Life is a challenge.
Friday, February 8, 2013
I've been mulling over a link I put on this site a few days ago. I've got some issues with it. More of that in a moment.
Mulling - I like a good word. It rolls on my tongue and sometimes causes me to giggle. Mulling is such a word. I also like the word ample. That's a nice word, isn't it? Not one you see or hear too often but you know what it means right away.
A great vocabulary is a great asset to a writer. I like to find 'word-of-the-day' websites to expand mine. A few are useless. They have archaic words, ancient words that I'll never be able to use in a story, never mind in daily speech. So I did a little research and found I like this one. The nice part of it is - even though it's a daily word site - it shows you its archive for the week. So I need only look once a week and get a plethora (lots) of useful words. Hope this is a good resource for you, too. Oh! And the word for Feb. 7th was ruminate. Almost as good as mulling. *g*
I like this site because it gives me the word of the day AND a bonus -- a little English quiz. It's delightful.
Now - to get into the Writers' Digest mulling event. The article was about critique groups. (see link below) The author noted ones that I've noted after being a member of way too many groups for way too many years. But I've got a bone to pick about her thoughts.
The author of the article speaks of:
The snob. She's right about this one. RUN from a group that makes you feel you must prove your worth.
The Time Hog. This person can just be full of unbridled enthusiasm, or self-doubt, or a number of peculiarities that cause her to need time.
The Retro. Gentle hints about 'new' books can help grow this person.
The Distractor.
The Harsh Critic/The NiceyPiecey. Ok. I started out as the Nicey Piecey in the groups I belonged to. I am that way with any book. Well, most any book. I pick it up. I read it. I consume it. I love writing. Period. I learned, with the help of my group, how to read constructively (I always read an MS twice now cause I want to read for the fun of it - after that, I'll read for critiquing.)
The Debater. It's really hard for me to bite my tongue. Most critique groups, I've noted, have a rule that states you can't comment until after your critique is done. It's a good rule.
The Picker. Focus on what really matters.
The Sulker. I didn't sulk when I joined my first group. I went home and cried. But I kept going back and the kindness of my group helped me learn to accept lots.
The Boss. We've got a boss and he is excellent. His critiques are treasured. He's also awesome with time-keeping and affirmation. He's gentle and he's taught the rest of us to be gentle.
The Sporadic. We don't catch up anybody. You snooze, you looze. Thankfully, there are enough folk in the group who are dedicated that it doesn't matter. Most of the sporadic don't come back.
All of these behaviors can be honed into positives for a group with kindness and a good leader and good example. If I can learn, so can others.
Well - that's enough of my ruminations (another lovely word). Hope you've enjoyed.
Life is full.
Mulling - I like a good word. It rolls on my tongue and sometimes causes me to giggle. Mulling is such a word. I also like the word ample. That's a nice word, isn't it? Not one you see or hear too often but you know what it means right away.
A great vocabulary is a great asset to a writer. I like to find 'word-of-the-day' websites to expand mine. A few are useless. They have archaic words, ancient words that I'll never be able to use in a story, never mind in daily speech. So I did a little research and found I like this one. The nice part of it is - even though it's a daily word site - it shows you its archive for the week. So I need only look once a week and get a plethora (lots) of useful words. Hope this is a good resource for you, too. Oh! And the word for Feb. 7th was ruminate. Almost as good as mulling. *g*
I like this site because it gives me the word of the day AND a bonus -- a little English quiz. It's delightful.
Now - to get into the Writers' Digest mulling event. The article was about critique groups. (see link below) The author noted ones that I've noted after being a member of way too many groups for way too many years. But I've got a bone to pick about her thoughts.
The author of the article speaks of:
The snob. She's right about this one. RUN from a group that makes you feel you must prove your worth.
The Time Hog. This person can just be full of unbridled enthusiasm, or self-doubt, or a number of peculiarities that cause her to need time.
The Retro. Gentle hints about 'new' books can help grow this person.
The Distractor.
The Harsh Critic/The NiceyPiecey. Ok. I started out as the Nicey Piecey in the groups I belonged to. I am that way with any book. Well, most any book. I pick it up. I read it. I consume it. I love writing. Period. I learned, with the help of my group, how to read constructively (I always read an MS twice now cause I want to read for the fun of it - after that, I'll read for critiquing.)
The Debater. It's really hard for me to bite my tongue. Most critique groups, I've noted, have a rule that states you can't comment until after your critique is done. It's a good rule.
The Picker. Focus on what really matters.
The Sulker. I didn't sulk when I joined my first group. I went home and cried. But I kept going back and the kindness of my group helped me learn to accept lots.
The Boss. We've got a boss and he is excellent. His critiques are treasured. He's also awesome with time-keeping and affirmation. He's gentle and he's taught the rest of us to be gentle.
The Sporadic. We don't catch up anybody. You snooze, you looze. Thankfully, there are enough folk in the group who are dedicated that it doesn't matter. Most of the sporadic don't come back.
All of these behaviors can be honed into positives for a group with kindness and a good leader and good example. If I can learn, so can others.
Well - that's enough of my ruminations (another lovely word). Hope you've enjoyed.
Life is full.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The Agony And The Ecstasy
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I've been struggling, not with my writing, but with my self. Delving into pieces and parts of me that have surfaced that I'm not sure I like. I had to get it out of the way. I think I've made some great strides.
However -- I need creative lightning. I need to be around creative people and that has not been possible for a bit. Today I was blessed.
I fought the urge to go to Starbucks and write -- instead I went to my writers' group and sucked in their creative juices. I left the place feeling renewed.
Tonight, my writing buddy came. She brought her synopsis. She wasn't going to show it to me, at first, but I wheedled her into it. We spent almost three hours flaying the flesh from the bone. It was excruciating work. Her synopsis was six and a half pages, single-spaced. We took off at least three pages of the first draft. My friend showed such courage during the process. I know what it's like to cut beloved words or scenes from a book. This was just as hard.
When she came into my home, she was burdened down with the thought of the editing and with the hope that the synopsis was strong and exciting and told what needed to be told to get her agent to want to read the book itself.
By the end, she was worn out and exhilarated. But with a very strong second draft. We laughed at the end. I told her she had been through the agony and now could rejoice in the ecstasy of a job well done.
I love her book. I can't wait 'til it comes out. It will be huge, I think.
The evening also gave me hope. I work on my synopsis at least once a week, as my book progresses, and I had almost given up hope of paring it down to one or two pages. From tonight's success, I know that will be possible.
With a little help from my friend.
Life is awesome.
However -- I need creative lightning. I need to be around creative people and that has not been possible for a bit. Today I was blessed.
I fought the urge to go to Starbucks and write -- instead I went to my writers' group and sucked in their creative juices. I left the place feeling renewed.
Tonight, my writing buddy came. She brought her synopsis. She wasn't going to show it to me, at first, but I wheedled her into it. We spent almost three hours flaying the flesh from the bone. It was excruciating work. Her synopsis was six and a half pages, single-spaced. We took off at least three pages of the first draft. My friend showed such courage during the process. I know what it's like to cut beloved words or scenes from a book. This was just as hard.
When she came into my home, she was burdened down with the thought of the editing and with the hope that the synopsis was strong and exciting and told what needed to be told to get her agent to want to read the book itself.
By the end, she was worn out and exhilarated. But with a very strong second draft. We laughed at the end. I told her she had been through the agony and now could rejoice in the ecstasy of a job well done.
I love her book. I can't wait 'til it comes out. It will be huge, I think.
The evening also gave me hope. I work on my synopsis at least once a week, as my book progresses, and I had almost given up hope of paring it down to one or two pages. From tonight's success, I know that will be possible.
With a little help from my friend.
Life is awesome.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Critique Groups
Or even friends....
There's a great article at the link below discussing the Top Ten worst type of critique partners. Good grief - most of it is so true. I love the beginning sentence that states. "Finding a good critique group is like internet dating. You have to be very patient and wiling to endure a few (sometimes more than a few) bad encounters."
As I've stated here before, I've had some 'interesting' interaction with critiquers (even at large conferences where I've PAID to be lambasted). I went into my first group and my first paid critique with blinders on. I should have, could have, would have..... I learned from the tears and the self-flagellation to put on a bit of armor before forging out into the real world again. I'm very happy to say, I've been reborn, so to speak. I can handle just about anything.
I think the process is part of the fabric of becoming an author. I must learn to deal with criticism and harsh words, all the while growing in self-respect and confidence in my writing and what I'm about. I cant' believe that this process will not help me in the next phase of my writing career: finding an agent and landing a contract.
Life is hope.
PS - worked on the little ones blog and learned quite a bit about adding pictures and new pages. A bit proud of myself.
There's a great article at the link below discussing the Top Ten worst type of critique partners. Good grief - most of it is so true. I love the beginning sentence that states. "Finding a good critique group is like internet dating. You have to be very patient and wiling to endure a few (sometimes more than a few) bad encounters."
As I've stated here before, I've had some 'interesting' interaction with critiquers (even at large conferences where I've PAID to be lambasted). I went into my first group and my first paid critique with blinders on. I should have, could have, would have..... I learned from the tears and the self-flagellation to put on a bit of armor before forging out into the real world again. I'm very happy to say, I've been reborn, so to speak. I can handle just about anything.
I think the process is part of the fabric of becoming an author. I must learn to deal with criticism and harsh words, all the while growing in self-respect and confidence in my writing and what I'm about. I cant' believe that this process will not help me in the next phase of my writing career: finding an agent and landing a contract.
Life is hope.
PS - worked on the little ones blog and learned quite a bit about adding pictures and new pages. A bit proud of myself.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I've written about fear before - probably too many times *g* - but I'm usually thinking about the story and where it's going or making sure my characters are trucking along the way they're supposed to be - you know, not doing anything out-of-character.
Today I was fleshing out Kathleen and I started to weep. She's an abused princess. Writing about the abuse (though not graphic) is hard. I find I don't want to go there. To delve into what happened to her. For the growth part of the story, I knew I had to begin by showing what she went through that made her so weak and afraid. From that point on, I can 'grow' her into the heroine she becomes.
I am surprised that I fear writing this part. I don't like violence, though I've been told I write a pretty good battle scene, but writing makes me do things I don't want to do. Writing about the cruelty of one person to another is distressing. I hate bullies. This is even worse, I think. Her aunt is the bullier, the punisher, the horror.
I'm glad to have found out that it's not only fear of the unknown that's making it difficult to write. But I've got goals now *g* and fear or no, I'm pressing onwards.
BTW - not sure if you've seen this website, but I love it. Most of the pieces I write are period-sensitive, which means I've got to ensure the words and phrases I use are appropriate and definitely NOT modern. This site has saved my skin ten thousand times over!
PS - friend the site and you'll get the oddest, funniest, neatest little tidbits of life ever.
Life is deep.
Today I was fleshing out Kathleen and I started to weep. She's an abused princess. Writing about the abuse (though not graphic) is hard. I find I don't want to go there. To delve into what happened to her. For the growth part of the story, I knew I had to begin by showing what she went through that made her so weak and afraid. From that point on, I can 'grow' her into the heroine she becomes.
I am surprised that I fear writing this part. I don't like violence, though I've been told I write a pretty good battle scene, but writing makes me do things I don't want to do. Writing about the cruelty of one person to another is distressing. I hate bullies. This is even worse, I think. Her aunt is the bullier, the punisher, the horror.
I'm glad to have found out that it's not only fear of the unknown that's making it difficult to write. But I've got goals now *g* and fear or no, I'm pressing onwards.
BTW - not sure if you've seen this website, but I love it. Most of the pieces I write are period-sensitive, which means I've got to ensure the words and phrases I use are appropriate and definitely NOT modern. This site has saved my skin ten thousand times over!
PS - friend the site and you'll get the oddest, funniest, neatest little tidbits of life ever.
Life is deep.
Friday, February 1, 2013
New Adventures
Well, I was supposed to go to Pittsburgh this week-end for a moot and to support a friend whose band is rocking. I couldn't afford a plane ticket (NZ trip drained my bank account) so I bought a Greyhound bus ticket. I've never in my life taken a Greyhound bus. I think I should be a bit ashamed. Isn't that the American way to travel? Yet, my parents were railroaders and their parents before them. Sadly, Amtrak hasn't a clue as to how to run a train service. The only times to leave my city to get to Pitts. was at 1ish in the morning, arriving in Pitts around 4ish in the morning. Now how on earth can I ask my friends to pick me up at the train station at 4am??? Really now.
I bought the ticket and considered myself old enough for an adventure. I was ready. I was willing. I was able. I was looking forward to seeing loads of friends and a couple dear ones from Philly. Well, sadly, one of the girls from Philly ended up in the hospital, so the moot was postponed. But I worked up the courage and now, with the price of the bus so low too, I know I can go as soon as the group is ready again.
This was an odd and nerve-wracking week, until I found the courage to not fly. I thought of my heroine and the courage she had to have to do the insane things that I was putting her through. I realized I hadn't spent time with her on the 'working-up-the-courage' mode. So I'm going to do that right now. I know exactly where to put this struggle, where she rises from fear and goes forth with a modicum of courage. Only a modicum because she's got to grow during the book. That's part of writing a book' I've got to show my characters growing. Just like me. *g*
I got my piano, finally. The discipline I've learned here I'm transferring - well, not really transferring - using with the piano. I've vowed to practice an hour a day. I've discovered that my fingers get tired more easily than they used to. But it's been ten years since I've had a piano. I'll be kind to myself and 'grow into' the stamina I'll need to do an hour a day. Right now, I'm doing fifteen minute increments. That'll be good. Four times a day times fifteen minutes equals an hour. I'm content with that.
I hope to spend two hours a day, eventually, because one of my New Year's resolutions is to be able to play Christmas carols next Christmas time.
I was reading a writing book tonight and it spoke of goals. This absolutely frosts me because I've read this chapter before. And I didn't take it to heart. Thankfully, my friend, as I noted the other day, suggested I publish goals for my writing. Which I did (see the handy-dandy right side of the home page). It's been working. I've been editing 'Blue' and writing 'The Other Side' with alacrity.
Life is a goal.
I bought the ticket and considered myself old enough for an adventure. I was ready. I was willing. I was able. I was looking forward to seeing loads of friends and a couple dear ones from Philly. Well, sadly, one of the girls from Philly ended up in the hospital, so the moot was postponed. But I worked up the courage and now, with the price of the bus so low too, I know I can go as soon as the group is ready again.
This was an odd and nerve-wracking week, until I found the courage to not fly. I thought of my heroine and the courage she had to have to do the insane things that I was putting her through. I realized I hadn't spent time with her on the 'working-up-the-courage' mode. So I'm going to do that right now. I know exactly where to put this struggle, where she rises from fear and goes forth with a modicum of courage. Only a modicum because she's got to grow during the book. That's part of writing a book' I've got to show my characters growing. Just like me. *g*
I got my piano, finally. The discipline I've learned here I'm transferring - well, not really transferring - using with the piano. I've vowed to practice an hour a day. I've discovered that my fingers get tired more easily than they used to. But it's been ten years since I've had a piano. I'll be kind to myself and 'grow into' the stamina I'll need to do an hour a day. Right now, I'm doing fifteen minute increments. That'll be good. Four times a day times fifteen minutes equals an hour. I'm content with that.
I hope to spend two hours a day, eventually, because one of my New Year's resolutions is to be able to play Christmas carols next Christmas time.
I was reading a writing book tonight and it spoke of goals. This absolutely frosts me because I've read this chapter before. And I didn't take it to heart. Thankfully, my friend, as I noted the other day, suggested I publish goals for my writing. Which I did (see the handy-dandy right side of the home page). It's been working. I've been editing 'Blue' and writing 'The Other Side' with alacrity.
Life is a goal.
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