Saturday, September 8, 2012


My writing buddy and I had a great time last night. She read 'Blue,' Chs.14 and 15. She made some much needed corrections. She acknowledges, bless her heart, that she learned how to spot the things she noted, from me. Whoo hoo! 

We are building a very nice, trusting relationship. We are learning from each other. It's sometimes hard to trust, especially if I'm having difficulty writing, but trust makes it easier. 

Went to Skyline today and had a great time listening to critiques. I love seeing things other's see in an author's MS. Many times I miss things. It's great watching others. There's one guy in the group that is really great at critiquing. I value when he critiques my work. However, once in awhile, I think he lacks patience. He wants to know why. Sometimes the author isn't ready to say why. If the story is a mystery, which most stories have some elements of mystery about them, then telling too much takes the joy of reading away. 

The new group met today. Mostly to put together guidelines. It looks like it's going to be an interesting group. Next meeting, a speaker from a local university will be speaking. I'm really looking forward to that. This group will offer critiques, but I don't think, as of today, that I will be submitting anything. I don't want any more comments on 'Blue.' I think it will be too much. I'm confident in where 'Blue' is headed and I think the critiques I get from my writing buddy and my editor and Skyline are quite enough. The new group will have writing prompts at some of the meetings and I like to do those. They challenge my creativity, being as most are NOT fantasy.

Life is trust. 

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