Sunday, April 7, 2013

Finding Someone

Holy crumbs! I've spent the last two days - hours upon hours - trying to find the name of an editor at a couple publishing houses. It is not easy. The 'experts' say I should make sure they accept submissions and  handle the type of story I'm pitching. 

Getting my book published, I've noted before, is a business. It is a back-breaking (well, my neck is killing me right about now *g*) process. I've used LinkedIn, I've used QueryTracker, I've researched via Facebook and various SCBWI sites. Read countless blogs and am definitely, unequivocally going mad. *g*

I'd hoped to spend some time here tonight, but I'm going to walk the dog - he's been oh-so-patient - and then I'm going to bed. 

Getting a list together, I know from prior experience, is a full-time job. I'll get there, but writing will suffer for the moment. I've got to send out 'Sorrysorrysorry' while I'm still enthused. (that enthusiasm is waning quickly!)

Life is a sore bum.


  1. Have you tried "editors and predators?"

  2. No. Bless you. I remember seeing this site a long time ago. I will use them as one of my tools.
