Quick note about Friday's events and then I'll go on.
I've found it difficult not to cry at every little thing. Yesterday's massacre in Connecticut affected me terribly. I was with my daughter this afternoon and discovered I was not the only one. We sat with my six-year old granddaughter between us and watched Christmas specials. Old cartoon ones. Frosty the Snowman and such. We both wept at all the heart-wrenching places. I still weep as I sit here typing. Truth be told, no child should die. To die this way -- I push down the thoughts of how they died and pray St. Nicholas was by their side, giving them comfort. May the One who made us all forgive us and bring us to understand -- we are all one, connected. Each tragedy that befalls one, befalls all.
Thankfully, I've been writing other stuff in the lulls connected with 'Blue,' yet the passion that I began 'Blue' with dwindled, now and again. It's the passion, folks, that drives me. To lose it, is to lose what makes me a writer. I claw at it, trying to retrieve it, and when I do -- there is such joy!
Before the massacre, I found two tv programs that had some awesome, passion-filled, relevant stuff on them. The links are below.
I found, at my little writers' group, that I wasn't the only one who was impressed by the CBS Sunday Morning News program. There was a wild tale about self-publishing. Really good. Now, I'm not saying that self-publishing always works, but this story was inspiring. Authors like Stepahnie Bond says she gets royalties of 70%. She made 1/2 million dollars in the last year. "the idea of being a novelist is really romantic, but it's kind of the same as being President of the United States - it's not gonna happen." he (Richard Paul Evans) said. BUT -- his book, 'The Christmas Box,' was self-published and then, after awesome sales, picked up by a publisher for $4 million! http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3445_162-5758088/authors-exercise-their-write-to-self-publish/
There was also an interview with Bruno Mars (I love his Just The Way You Are). This man was signed AND DUMPED by a big record label. He was tempted to give it all up and go home, but he didn't. He kept his passion and went on to huge successes. "All those hard times, it feels like it goes to show that if you put in the work and you don't stop believing, then it can happen."
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-3445_162-57558102/bruno-mars-singing-is-all-i-ev her-wanted-to-do/
Rock Center, Thursday night on NBC, was inspirational, too. I had never heard of the author, Mary Pope Osborne, and was blown away by the response to her stories. Now, I've got my fingers crossed that 'Blue' will touch children in the same way. She decided not to go the route of tv shows, or movies, or product development. She gives away a lot of her profits to disadvantaged children. She is awesome. I want to meet her.
There was another interview on Rock Center that touched me deeply. It was with the creator of Chobani. Now, I love this yogurt. There's six of them in my frig at the moment. Sadly, I can't remember who suggested I try it, because I'd love to say thank you. When the day is ragged and rushed, I pick one up and know I'm eating ok for my body. BUT -- the great thing about the interview was the tenacity, courage, and PASSION of Hamdi Ulukaya, founder. His friends all thought he'd lost it; sure he was going to lose his shirt with the endeavor. And now - well, I'm sure everyone has heard of his lovely Greek yogurt. The thing that made me most impressed was that he gives, and always has, 10% of his profits to charity. He quoted a Persian poet (Rumi): 'With passion pray. With passion work. With passion make love. With passion eat and drink and dance and play. Why look like a dead fish in this ocean of God?' I love it. I'm posting it on my bathroom mirror.
I hope these stories give you a sense of the beauty of mankind and the gift of hope that we can give each other, not only during this season, but throughout our lives. Oh! And to pass it on.
Life is a blessing.
Passion is a key element in writing, I agree. Unfortunately, it's easily dowsed by circumstances such as illness, discouragement, stress and being too busy. Thankfully, it also doesn't take too much to get it back, if it was there in the first place! Hope you can stay healthy and passionate in the days to come!