I'm constantly astounded by how fear can just appear in the midst of my day. I'll be thinking about the story and fear pounces upon me. Quick as lightning. I wonder what it is. I mean - writing is really supposed to be about me. About my creative juices flowing. About the story unfolding in front of me - and me sitting with a bag of popcorn watching it. And enjoying every minute of it.
But then - this fear thing pounces and I am left strangled, impotent, frozen in time. I can't write. I hate it.
After being furious with myself, I force myself to sit down and write - either at the keyboard or on my faithful yellow legal pad. That usually works. I think it might be the fear of the unknown. There is this land laid out before me, characters standing about waiting, and me in charge. Yikes!
Perhaps if I put myself in my characters' place and yell at me - "Hey! We're waiting. What happens next? Will you get on with it!" Perhaps that would help me forge forward. Pull out that sword I so handily put in my hero/heroine's hands, and fight the good fight, finish the chapter, and go on to the next.
Life would be so much easier as a writer. Well, enough of that. This character is yelling at me. He's in the midst of a new situation and wants me to get off my arse and tell him what to do next.
Characters! Can't live with them - can't live without them!
Had that kind of episode, today. What if no one wants my books? What if they do?! It really does help to simply start writing. I'm feeling calmer now. I prepped a story to enter the first 300 words for a possible critique (names are drawn), and now I'm terrified to actually send it in. What if they hate it?! If they love it, then what? You're right; it's fear of the unknown.