Saturday, November 3, 2012

# 17 Take A Moment

I've learned to never say something is complete. The Muse giggles in the background and I find that very irritating.

I thought I was done with Ch. 45 and started to work on Ch. 46. Yes, it is work. A good work. The best kind of work I've every done. 

I digress, I know it, but I think to myself of all the jobs that I've worked at for my whole long life. I've always wanted something fulfilling. Something I could be proud of. Something that I looked forward to doing. Just now, as I wrote the second paragraph, I realize I have found that work. Ah, life is good.

Well, Ch. 46 just fell into place. As I said, I'm getting near the very end. Yet, I find I am not as distracted or as hell-bent on finishing as I had feared. I'm still taking my time with it. Spending moments reading it. With that in mind, I realized that the stuff I wrote for Ch. 46 belongs more nicely with Ch. 45. Thankfully, Ch. 45 was not of an inordinate length and so it works.

It almost feels like the chapter never wants to end. It knows we are drawing to a close and it wants to finish. Or better still, the Muse wants to finish. What a delightful feeling. After almost two years of writing, I am coming to the end of this chapter of my life. I've got Book Two already begun. And I know what Book Three will be about. 

I plan to focus more, this upcoming year, on 'promoting' the book. I also plan on spending time getting the giraffe tale out there. They are both very good books and deserve to have their day in the sun.

Life is sunshine.

PS - I forgot. The reason why I started to write this post is because the Muse, once again, astounded me. I thought I knew where this chapter was headed, but she completely changed it. Now onto a new path for Ch. 46. *g*

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