In retrospect, I think it might have been better to have NOT been bitten by the publishing bug. Wrecked all kinds of havoc on my writing. Yet, I've still got the bug. And it is rampant and vicious. And pretty darn neat.
A friend came over on Saturday and brought a truckload of articles on self-publishing. (I've tried the conventional publishing route for years and it's not working, friends!) So, we then googled the term and came up with a bunch of other articles and websites and such. It was an exhilarating, if confusing, few hours. Self-publishing doesn't seem to be the quagmire I thought it was.
One thing I've been concerned with is the scams that sucker onto authors who want to publish. My friend knew of some names to 'run' from. So, we concentrated on the legit groups. There are a gazillion. Almost.
The process boils down to: do I want to pay to get published or not. Seems simple enough, doesn't it. Yet, the pay as you publish costs are pretty hefty. I've linked some sites below for you to peruse, if you're interested.
I think I'm going for it. As you might have noted in my last blog, I'm not as far along in the editing process as I had thought. But that only means a few more weeks, hopefully not months, of slogging along and finishing the book. :)
If you care to share your experiences with publishing - whether it be self or conventional - I'd appreciate your efforts. And I think my readers would learn something, too.
One other thing my friend showed me was a conference coming up this Saturday. Chuck Sambuchino will be the keynote speaker. I immediately signed up. I've heard Chuck before and look forward to this session.
Blessings, keep writing, sharing, exploring, living and loving,
NOTE - WARNING -- I am not endorsing any of the people/products listed below. As in all things in life, proceed with caution.
Here's some good articles on the subject:
Self-publishing websites:
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