Monday, September 4, 2017

Chop It Down!

There's a commercial that speaks of a person planting an uncertainty tree. I just love that concept. You know I've been living in doubt, and fighting it, as of late. Well, I keep reminding myself, when it creeps from the floorboards, to chop it down.

Two dear friends are going to read 'My Sword Sings' and get back to me. I've not had a lot of feedback on the completed book and - chop it down - I think it only wise to get some. And these folk are writers, which makes them ideal candidates.

I wish I had a group that I could send the entire book to and have feedback immediately, but that's not how the read world works. My son says I should send it off. Damn the torpedoes, Commander Farragut, and full speed ahead. He's right, I'm sure, but.... chop it down!

I've been to lectures about self-publishing, but I didn't pay much attention. I had hoped for a 'J.K.Rowlings' type of deal. That hasn't happened, though the book has changed a bit since I first tried to 'sell' it back in the day.

Going to spend time researching while my three 'editors' read 'Sings.' Wish me luck!



  1. That's a good visualization of how to get keep yourself from dwelling on the negative. I think it's fine to have your book looked at one more time. If they have some good suggestions, all the better. Then go ahead and press the publishing button, or whatever it is you plan to do to get it published. Feels like it's time to get that story out into the world!

  2. Isn't that the truth, Margaret. I so appreciate your support and love! Blessings....
