Friday, September 8, 2017

Being Vulnerable

Having someone read my work causes heart palpitations. It goes back to being uncertain about my worth as a writer. I've found, thankfully, that having writing friends close at hand is a great boon. I don't think I'm the only writer out there with security issues. (I do not hold my security blanket while I'm typing, but I might consider it.) :)

A friend and I went through the next two chapters of 'Sings' and her enthusiasm for them heartened me. She noted some neat phrases that completely hid from me. It's things like that that emphasize the importance of sharing.

Find a group or a friend or whatever (Not your dog. My Pippin loves me too much to be impartial.). Be vulnerable, once you've found they understand how to criticize/critique with value. Then, plunge in. Enjoy their comments. Don't take them personally.

Hope you have a blessed, writing-filled day.

PS - Using the Four Agreements facilitate input.


  1. Nice to be shown you've written neat stuff by someone with a fresh eye! Makes up for the difficulty of being vulnerable, for sure. It's hard to let your work go out to be reviewed by other people, but it does help when those doing critique do it to help and their insight is valuable for the purpose of building you up, not cutting you down.
